![[Original size] Website cover (1).png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/f7c4fd_a59e86be531d4b57bee9eae6289470d5~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_825,h_333,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/%5BOriginal%20size%5D%20Website%20cover%20(1).png)
Please click upon the relevant links:
Parent/Individual Support and information Groups
National Autistic Society Cornwall
Cornwall support group for parents of children with adhd and autism
Getting Support for Autism | Care and Support in Cornwall
Cornwall Tourette Syndrome Support Group | Facebook
ABOUT US (gettogethercornwall.org.uk)
Parents at Doubletrees School Group
Facebook/Parents Support Group/Falmouth
Facebook/Seriously Awkward DIY Group/Newlin/Penzance Area
Facebook/St Austell Carers Support Group
Pathological Demand Avoidance Devon & Cornwall
Facebook/Creative Connections Porthtowan
Additional needs Information Resource - Cornwall and Devon
Sensory Processing Disorder #cornwall
Neurodivergent Led
Autistic/Aspergers group: Cornwall, UK
40 years + HFA/Asp Cornwall Social and Meet Up Group
Women with Autism/Aspergers: Cornwall, UK | Facebook
Cornwall People First | Charity for adults with learning disabilities or autism
Professional Bodies
SEND IASS - Cornwall (cornwallsendiass.org.uk)
disAbility Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Homepage
SEND Local Offer | Care and Support in Cornwall
Family Hubs - Cornwall Council
Adult ADHD social group - Devon & Cornwall | Facebook
Private Assessment Centres/Professionals
Private ASD Assessments - Cornwall Autism
Diagnostic services (autism.org.uk)
Children and young people - Healios
Home | Cornwall Clinical Psychology
Vigere | Occupational Therapy (vigereotcornwall.com)
Safer Futures - Domestic Abuse Support, Cornwall
Healthwatch Cornwall | Your spotlight on health and social care services
Have your say | Healthwatch Cornwall
Autism Spectrum Team - Cornwall Council
Autism Partnership Board - Cornwall Council
Groups and Clubs
Aspires- Autism Spectrum Condition Programme- The Dreadnought Centre
Take 2 Cornwall (take-2-cornwall.co.uk)
Cornwall Accessible Activities Programme, activities for disabled children (CAAP) (caapuk.co.uk)
Cornwall SPACE | Action For Children
Forest Schools/Outdoors Activities/Home Tutoring
Cornwall Forest School and Outdoor learning
Cornwall Accessible Activities Program (CAAP)
Home (badgerforestschool.co.uk)
Wild Warriors run Wild School sessions in Cornwall
Assist Dogs Cornwall | Facebook
Cornwall - Wave Project : Wave Project
BF Adventure - a Cornish charity providing outdoor activities
West Cornwall Home Educators | Facebook
Home-School Tutoring Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly
The Chalk Climbing Project | Facebook
Zebs Youth Centre YPC
Family Nest Therapy CIC - Pony Club, Counseling, Equine Therapy
HorseHeard | Experiential learning through interaction with horses
Youth Support and Mentoring in Cornwall | White Gold Cornwall